Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just Hangin' Out

Michael in front of our apartment on his beloved hammock
Now that school has started, there is not too much to report since most days are pretty much the same. It's class, homework, work, housework, etc. and, with the exception of lots of free welcome-back-to-school/congratulations-on-getting-into-grad-school dinners, that's really about it.My diploma finally came in the mail, so it is nice to have proof that I officially graduated. We opted out of the mahogany frame to put it in... I am not quite THAT much of a real person yet.

We also hiked the Y one night with Ian and few of his friends. It is a new experience in the dark, though still just as steep :)

Sitting on the Y
Shivering atop the Y


  1. I hiked Timpanogos at 2:00am two weeks ago. That was cold and dark. I still have never hiked the Y though...

  2. Congrats on the diploma Em! It's a nice feeling to have it in hand. And don't worry, I opted out of the mahogany frame too. Being a real person is overrated. :)

